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Extra Info Fields

The version package supports most popular version fields natively.

Native fields
Key Description
.Version Binary version value set via -ldflags, otherwise taken from go install url/tool@version.
.GitCommit Git commit value set via -ldfags, otherwise taken from debug.ReadBuildInfo() - the vcs.revision tag.
.BuildDate Build date value set via -ldflags, otherwise empty.
.CommitDate Git commit date value set via -ldfags, otherwise taken from debug.ReadBuildInfo() from the vcs.time tag.
.DirtyBuild Dirty build value, set via -ldfags, otherwise taken from debug.ReadBuildInfo() from the vcs.modified tag.
.GoVersion Go version taken from runtime.Version().
.Compiler Go compiler taken from runtime.Compiler.
.Platform Build platform, passed in the following format: runtime.GOOS/runtime.GOARCH.

Check build options to learn how to override them if you need.

However, each project may want to display more information such as documentation or changelog URLs, sometimes even domain related fields. You can provide them using your Go struct.



Want to try? See the custom fields example!


  1. Assign your custom struct to Info.ExtraFields.

    Go struct with nested fields are not properly supported in Pretty mode.

  2. Use json, yaml and pretty field tags to define the field name for a given output format.

  3. In the Pretty mode, fields are printed in the same order as defined in struct.


package main

import (



type Custom struct {
    // In the pretty mode, fields are printed in the same order as defined in struct.
    BuiltBy string `json:"builtBy" yaml:"builtBy" pretty:"Built By"`
    RepoURL string `json:"repoURL" yaml:"repoURL" pretty:"Repository URL"`
    DocsURL string `json:"docsURL" yaml:"docsURL" pretty:"Documentation URL"`

func main() {
    custom := Custom{
        RepoURL: "",
        DocsURL: "",
        BuiltBy: "GoReleaser",

    info := version.Get()
    info.ExtraFields = custom

    p := printer.New()
    p.RegisterPFlags(pflag.CommandLine) // register `--output/-o` flag

    if err := p.PrintInfo(os.Stdout, info); err != nil {

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