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Upgrade notice

Currently, the upgrade notice works only for GitHub releases.

The upgrade notice is disabled by default. You can easily enable it based on your usage:

  • Printer

    p := printer.New(
        printer.WithUpgradeNotice("mszostok", "codeowners-validator", upgradeOpts...),

    It prints the notice to the standard error channel (stderr). As a result, output processing, such as executing <cli> -ojson | jq .gitCommit, works properly even if the upgrade notice is displayed.

  • Cobra CLI

        // 2. Explicit turn on upgrade notice
        extension.WithUpgradeNotice("mszostok", "codeowners-validator"),

    It prints the notice on standard error channel (stderr). As a result, output processing, such as executing <cli> version -ojson | jq .gitCommit, works properly even if the upgrade notice is displayed.

  • Standalone

    notice := upgrade.NewGitHubDetector("mszostok", "codeowners-validator")
    err := notice.PrintIfFoundGreater(os.Stderr, "0.5.4")

Once enabled, each execution checks for new releases. If a newer version has been found, it displays an upgrade notice for each output format to the standard error channel (stderr).

You can customize almost all aspects of the upgrade check:

  • Set maximum duration time for the update check operation (default: 10s):

  • Set a custom function to compare release versions (default: SemVer check):

    upgrade.WithIsVersionGreater(func(current string, new string) bool {
          //.. compare current with new ..
          return true
  • Set the minimum time that must elapse before checking for a new release (default: 0min):

  • Change formatting:

          Header: style.Header{},
          Key:    style.Key{},
          Val:    style.Val{},
          Date:   style.Date{},
  • Change layout:

              GoTemplate: forBoxLayoutGoTpl,
  • Change both formatting and layout:

  • Define a custom renderer:

    upgrade.WithRenderer(func(in *upgrade.Info, isSmartTerminal bool) (string, error) {
      return fmt.Sprintf(`
          Version             %q
          New Version         %q
      `, in.Version, in.NewVersion), nil
  • Add a post-render hook:

    upgrade.WithPostRenderHook(func(body string, isSmartTerminal bool) (string, error) {
      return body + "\ncustom footer", nil
  • Change config directory where cache is stored:

  • Change file name for state file:

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